Sacred Geometry is the backbone of Sacred Architecture and the structure of things in nature. The forms of Sacred Geometry embody harmony, proportion, beauty and mystery in a remarkably simple way. Constructing these forms using a straight edge and compass, and contemplation of the forms allows the mind to dwell in the realm of Platonic Ideals. In this course of 4 sessions, we will discuss, analyze, construct, and contemplate the elementary forms of Sacred Geometry such as the Golden Rectangle, Vesica Piscis, and the pentagon. As a finale, the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza will be discussed.
Cost: $5/$10 members/nonmembers per evening.
Requirements: High school geometry and algebra. Bring a pad of un-ruled white paper to the class and a mechanical pencil.
The course is being led by Dennis Blejer, branch leader for the School of Practical Philosophy and Meditation in the Greater Boston area and a board member of the Theosophical Society in Boston. He teaches courses in Practical Philosophy, Sanskrit, Sacred Geometry, Plato, and the Philosophy of Science. He is an engineering physicist by profession. Dennis Blejer, 978-443-1743 (evenings),
The course is being led by Dennis Blejer, branch leader for the School of Practical Philosophy and Meditation in the Greater Boston area and a board member of the Theosophical Society in Boston. He teaches courses in Practical Philosophy, Sanskrit, Sacred Geometry, Plato, and the Philosophy of Science. He is an engineering physicist by profession. Dennis Blejer, 978-443-1743 (evenings),